Verification as a service
This website is a service of MeteoIQ GmbH (Imprint and Privacy Policy)
and provides verification as a serivce.
Quantifying the accuracy of weather forecasts is important in many different ways - for both public and commercial providers
as well as users of
meteorological services. While many acknowledge the importance, verification of weather forecasts is often carried out
as time limited side projects. Additionally benchmarking different providers is not possible because of the lack of
comparitive information.
Our service is meant to be relevant in particular for these user groups:
Management of weather services: You want to understand the performance of your forecasts and monitor relevant KPI.
Marketing of weather services: For your messaging you want to have independent prove that your forecasts are the best.
Forecast engine developers: You want to eliminate weaknesses and extend the strengths of your forecast engine. For your work it is important to
understand the impact of recent improvements and test different post-processing algorithms.
Operational forecasters in weather rooms: How did your forecast perform yesterday and which impact did you make when changing the automated guidance?
Sales staff and proposal managers: Your customer would like to understand the quality of your services and you would like to have information for a particular region or location.
Customer support and customer success management: Your customers complain about a particular forecast and you can investigate if there was a particular issue on that day or if the weather
situation was just difficult to predict. Additionally you can monitor KPI agreed with customers and ensure a high service level.
Procurement managers for weather services: You need to procure weather services and everybody claims they provide the most accurate service. MeteoIQ can help you to purchase the weather forecasting service which best fits your needs.
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